Pages: Nature-based-solutions-UNFCCC-Newsroom-Article

Name: Nature-based-solutions-UNFCCC-Newsroom-Article.aspx
Title: Managing Climate Risks through Nature-Based Solutions
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Contact: Stefan Dierks
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NAP Summary: During the UN Climate Change Conference COP 26 in Glasgow in November last year, experts discussed actions to manage climate change risks, including those related to forests and grasslands as well as ocean and marine ecosystems.
NAP Description: During the UN Climate Change Conference COP 26 in Glasgow in November last year, experts discussed actions to manage climate change risks, including those related to forests and grasslands as well as ocean and marine ecosystems.
Page Content: Nature-based solutions are vital to strengthen
livelihoods, ensure food security and protect lives. While momentum is
growing about how biodiversity and oceans play a part in enhancing
resilience, knowledge gaps in adapting to the impacts of climate change
still exist and pose barriers to countries taking necessary adaptation
To inform dicussions and help build capacity, UN Climate Change’s Nairobi Work Programme (NWP)
- the Knowledge-To-Action Hub for adaptation and resilience - issued
two publications: one focusing on knowledge gaps in integrating forest
and grassland biodiversity and ecosystems into adaptation strategies;
and another one on building resilience of oceans, coastal areas and

To read more about nature-based
solutions and learn about the two new publications, see this UNFCCCNewsroom Article.


Further information


See ‘Scoping paper on integrating knowledge gaps in forest and grassland biodiversity and ecosystems in adaptation strategies’ here.


See ‘Publication on enhancing resilience of oceans, coastal areas and ecosystems through collaborative partnerships’ here.

Image credit: Natalija Gormalova

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Adaptation sector/theme:
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Article Date: 1/10/2022

Created at 1/10/2022 11:53 AM by Stefan Dierks
Last modified at 1/10/2022 12:06 PM by Stefan Dierks
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