Pages: Event---Strengthening-coastal-adaptation-through-innovative-technology

Name: Event---Strengthening-coastal-adaptation-through-innovative-technology.aspx
Title: Strengthening coastal adaptation through innovative technology
Scheduling Start Date:
Scheduling End Date:
Contact: Caitlin McDonald
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NAP Summary: Read more about this event from this UNFCCC Newsroom article. More information about the previous and upcoming event in the ‘Technology Day’ series is available here .
NAP Description: Read more about this event from this UNFCCC Newsroom article. More information about the previous and upcoming event in the ‘Technology Day’ series is available here .
Page Content: With unprecedented life-threatening extreme climatic events happening all over the world and projected escalations if climate change remains unmanaged, combining conventional or technology-based engineering with nature-based solutions is seen as the way forward to building the climate resilience of oceans and coastal ecosystems.
In this regard, the Technology Executive Committee (TEC), in collaboration with the IUCN FEBA and the Nairobi Work Programme (NWP) expert group on oceans organized a virtual event on 13 October 2021, to discuss scaling up and implementing integrated approaches, specifically relating to supporting countries in formulating and implementing their National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) and Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). This was a second event in a series of other related events intended to facilitate dialogue and inform action.
Read more about this event from this UNFCCC Newsroom article.  
More information about the previous and upcoming event in the ‘Technology Day’ series is available here.
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Adaptation sector/theme:
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Article Date: 10/17/2021

Created at 12/6/2021 12:09 PM by Caitlin McDonald
Last modified at 12/8/2021 1:12 PM by Caitlin McDonald
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