Pages: Raising-adaptation-ambitions-by-closing-knowledge-gaps-

Name: Raising-adaptation-ambitions-by-closing-knowledge-gaps-.aspx
Title: Raising adaptation ambitions by closing knowledge gaps
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Contact: Caitlin McDonald
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NAP Summary: Learn more about the Nairobi Work Programme's various engagements in the lead up to COP 26!
NAP Description: Learn more about the Nairobi Work Programme's various engagements in the lead up to COP 26!
Page Content: With the effects of climate change accelerating around the world, including  frequent and intense storms, floods and droughts, among other disasters, increasing ambition in adapting to these impacts will be high on the agenda at the UN Climate Change Conference COP 26, which starts on the 31 October 2021 in Glasgow.
Progress made in enhancing adaptation through knowledge was highlighted by the Chair of the UNFCCC Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA), during three informal events held earlier this month to build momentum ahead of COP26.
To read more about the events and learn about specific examples on how the NWP and its partners work together to close adaptation knowledge gaps, see this UNFCCC Newsroom Article.
Learn more:   
To learn more about the specific informal SBSTA events, visit the event pages:
Informal meeting by the SBSTA Chair with the UNFCCC constituted bodies on the NWP   
National Policy, Local Action: Scaling Integrated Approaches to Strengthen Coastal and Ocean Adaptation. View the recording here   
Informal event on closing adaptation knowledge gaps through partnerships.  View the recording here
Image credit: NOAA Unsplash

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Article Date: 10/18/2021

Created at 12/4/2021 3:02 PM by Caitlin McDonald
Last modified at 1/10/2022 10:45 AM by Lilian Daphine Lunyolo
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