Pages: 14th-Nairobi-work-programme-Focal-Point-Forum-on-biodiversity-and-climate-change-adaptation-

Name: 14th-Nairobi-work-programme-Focal-Point-Forum-on-biodiversity-and-climate-change-adaptation-.aspx
Title: 14th Nairobi work programme Focal Point Forum on biodiversity and climate change adaptation
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Contact: Caitlin McDonald
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NAP Summary: COP 26 mandated event under the Nairobi work programme provided an interactive dialogue and knowledge sharing and learning on innovative and integrated solutions on biodiversity and climate change adaptation.
NAP Description: The event provided an interactive dialogue and knowledge sharing and learning on innovative and integrated solutions on biodiversity and climate change adaptation.
Page Content: Climate change, biodiversity and ecosystems are inextricably linked. As the global pandemic painfully continues to teach us, our own health and well-being is linked to how we interact with nature. With climate impacts accelerating, countries and regions continue to face deep uncertainty about what enhanced adaptation ambition looks like. Unless countries get specific about adaptation action, they will miss opportunities to enhance ambition, finance, and implementation of those actions that will keep their societies safe.
As one of the iterative steps in the NWP’s knowledge-to-action approach, the 14th Focal Point Forum on biodiversity and climate change adaptation brought together Parties, including UNFCCC national focal points, experts and NWP partners for an interactive dialogue and knowledge sharing and learning on innovative and integrated solutions on biodiversity and climate change adaptation to strengthen national planning processes and actions on the ground. The event was organized in collaboration with the NWP thematic expert group on oceans, and expert group on biodiversity and adaptation.
Here are some take-aways from the event:
Working in a coordinated manner can help support developing countries in meeting their adaptation priorities, including formulating and implementing National Adaptation Plans.  
Actions need to focus on promoting synergies by aligning national priorities with UNFCCC constituted bodies and other global agreements.  There is no one solution that fits all hence there is a need for cross-sectoral solutions, knowledge, partnerships, and investments, including the ones that exploit the wins-wins linked to nature, adaptation and biodiversity collectively.  
Enhancing access to finance is necessary to support developing countries to implement and strengthen their climate commitments and resilience needs.    
Collaborative partnerships are critical and can help address knowledge gaps. In this context, NWP expert groups can continue to play a role to fill knowledge gaps that will support countries in raising adaptation ambition.
Two NWP thematic publications were launched during the event:
The scoping and briefing papers on knowledge gaps in integrating forest and grassland biodiversity and ecosystems into adaptation strategies
Enhancing resilience of oceans, coastal areas and ecosystems through collaborative partnerships 
Learn more:

Further details on the 14th Focal Point Forum on biodiversity and climate change adaptation, click here
To read the Earth Negotiations Bulletin news article on the focal point forum, click here
To engage with the Nairobi work programme, click here 

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Article Date: 11/12/2021

Created at 11/12/2021 4:29 PM by Caitlin McDonald
Last modified at 11/12/2021 7:10 PM by Caitlin McDonald
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