Pages: Engage-with-the-Nairobi-work-programme-events-during-COP-26-

Name: Engage-with-the-Nairobi-work-programme-events-during-COP-26-.aspx
Title: Engage with the Nairobi work programme events during COP 26
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Contact: Caitlin McDonald
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NAP Summary: Advancing work on biodiversity and partnerships in addressing adaptation knowledge gaps
NAP Description: Advancing work on biodiversity and partnerships in addressing adaptation knowledge gaps
Page Content: As the world gets ready for COP26 in Glasgow, the Nairobi Work Programme (NWP) has been preparing for two events to be held at the COP26. Capitalizing on the SBSTA events convened this October, the NWP have continued their work of closing adaptation knowledge gaps through partnerships. The NWP will also launch two new reports right before the start of COP26: 
Enhancing resilience of oceans, coastal areas and ecosystems through collaborative partnerships.  
NWP Biodiversity and Climate Change Adaptation: the role of forests and grasslands ecosystems.Opportunities for engagement with the Nairobi work programme!
The Nairobi work programme, UNFCCC Knowledge-to-Action hub for climate adaptation and resilience, will be organizing two hybrid events during COP26. We invite you to participate in these events!
Nairobi Work Programme 14th Focal Point Forum on Biodiversity and Climate Change

The UNFCCC knowledge-to-action hub for climate adaptation and resilience works on biodiversity projects across the world.  Hear from our experts on oceans and biodiversity on how to create synergies, share knowledge and catalyse new partnerships on the shared goal of climate change adaptation.
3 November - 18:00-20:45 GMT  (Glasgow time)
Learn more
Technology Day - The best of both worlds: Harnessing adaptation technologies and nature-based solutions to enhance ocean and coastal resilience

Oceans are vital to regulating the global climate system. This COP26 event will discuss technological solutions to climate change adaptation for ocean and coastal ecosystems.  It is jointly organized by the Nairobi work programme expert group on oceans, Friends of Ecosystem Based Adaptation, the UNFCCC Technology Executive Committee and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature.

8 November  11:00-12:30 GMT (Glasgow time)
Learn more
For more information and registration details, click here
Image credit: Mike Swigunski Unsplash

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Article Date: 10/27/2021

Created at 10/27/2021 12:56 PM by Caitlin McDonald
Last modified at 11/12/2021 5:35 PM by Caitlin McDonald
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