Pages: Towards-a-multilingual-Adaptation-knowledge-portal

Name: Towards-a-multilingual-Adaptation-knowledge-portal.aspx
Title: Towards a multilingual Adaptation knowledge portal
Comments: Thanks to your contribution, the Portal could include more resources in French and Spanish, so as to ensure wider knowledge dissemination in francophone Africa and latin America.
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NAP Summary: The Portal now offers regional pages and aims at becoming multilingual.
NAP Description: Thanks to your contribution, the Portal could include more resources in French and Spanish, so as to ensure wider knowledge dissemination in francophone Africa and latin America.
Page Content: The Adaptation knowledge portal was launched at SBSTA 43 (COP 21, Paris) with the objective of further disseminating the knowledge resources generated under the NWP, including by NWP partners and other expert organizations, as well as by the Loss and Damage workstream and the Adaptation Comittee. In this regard, the multi-criteria advanced search page is meant to facilitate browsing through the wealth of case studies, tools/methods and other knowledge resources available on the portal.
The enhanced collaboration with regional centres and networks led to the creation of regional pages, so as to gather all the knowledge resources available for each region, and facilitate the sharing of news from partners on specific regional events or publications. Thematic areas pages have also been developed to highlight the technical work undertaken under the NWP on the areas of ecosystems, human settlements, water resources and health, as well as on local, indigenous and tradtional knowledge for adaptation and on gender-sensitive approaches and tools.
In order to ensure wider knowledge outreach and dissemination among non-English speaking stakeholders, we would like to collect more submissions both in English and in Spanish and/or French, to start with. Those resources will feed the regional pages in French for Africa and in Spanish for Latin America, and will eventually be searchable through the advanced searh page. All contributions are welcome on the dedicated case study, tool and knowledge resource pages!
Please, browse through the portal's new pages and do not hesitate to send feedback to

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Article Date: 5/12/2016

Created at 5/11/2016 9:30 PM by Laureline Krichewsky
Last modified at 7/21/2021 5:54 PM by Serkant Samurkas
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