Pages: September-and-October-new-resources

Name: September-and-October-new-resources.aspx
Title: September and October new resources
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NAP Summary: With less than a week till COP26, find out more about the work of the Nairobi work programme!
NAP Description: With less than a week till COP26, find out more about the work of the Nairobi work programme!
Page Content: Connect with our resource base on climate change adaptation

COP 26 is only a week away, and the Nairobi Work Programme’s partners have been working to close pressing knowledge gaps to stabilize the global climate system and achieve adaptation knowledge gaps.
During the month of September and October, the Adaptation Knowledge Portal (AKP) featured over 30 new knowledge resources, which included sustainable development initiatives, water and food systems, community resilience, forest development and more!

Resources for users to engage with!

The Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) contributed 10 resources, including: an analysis of how climate change and land cover change is affecting domestic water vulnerability in the Yangambi Watersheds in the Democratic Republic of Congo; a resource on building regional priorities in forests for development and adaptation to climate change in the Congo basin; a resource of interviews and surveys to understand community resilience in forest-dependent communities facing climate change in Cameroon.
The Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) provided a guide for strengthening resilience by integrating Climate and Disaster Risk Finance via National Adaptation Plans.  The University of Edinburgh provided an open-access Climate Solutions course centring on the science behind climate change, the impacts of climate change and more.
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) contributed 8 resources, amongst them includes: a project that works on scaling-up Eco-Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) interventions and promotes large scale implementation of Eco-DRR in countries; a new resource that focuses on ecosystem-based measures to mitigate water-related hazards in North Darfur, Sudan and guidelines for integrating ecosystem based functions to National Adaptation Plans (NAPs).
The Slycan Trust provided 6 resources, which included: a research brief on how agriculture, forestry, and biodiversity are key sectors that are vulnerable to climate change but can also play a vital role for mitigation and adaptation; a series of interviews with farmers in the Anuradhapura and Trincomalee Districts, that capture some of their experiences and struggles in the face of the changing climate and a working paper on addressing climate and disaster risk through inclusive and participatory mechanisms.
A new case study by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) focuses on the Blue Nile and the impact of climate variability, drought and climate change on the region and the need for transboundary drought management policies, plans or agreed legislation. A second case study by the UNDRR centred on the impact of flash droughts and wildfires in the USA, and the use of the United States Drought Monitor as an early warning system and operationally monitors and archives impacts of all types of droughts.
Stay up to date with the UNFCCC new stories in the lead up to COP 26

A new UNFCCC article discussed ways to accelerate the transition from fuel-based transport to electrical vehicles on the African continent. A second UNFCCC article focused on world religious leaders and scientists coming together to call on greater climate action. Ministers also met in Milan for a pre-COP 26 event, to prepare for COP 26 in Glasgow and discuss the world’s most pressing climate issues.

Get involved with the UNFCCC and NWP work on adaptation action

You might also find the NWP’s latest quarterly newsletter an informative read, showcasing the most recent advancements in the lead-up to COP 26 in collaboration with other constituted bodies and work programmes, such as the Least developed Countries group, the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform, the Adaptation Committee, Technology Executive Committee and the Consultative Group of Experts. Sign up here to receive the newsletter.
Also, read about the Third Expert Meeting of the Biodiversity Expert Group that took place on the 30th of September, with updates on progress-to-date regarding adaptation work. Watch the SBSTA informal event Closing Adaptation Knowledge Gaps Through Partnerships.
Learn more about the NWP biodiversity-related thematic work

If you are interested in learning more about addressing knowledge gaps related to biodiversity, check out our thematic pages and get to know how the NWP works with thematic expert groups using the knowledge to action methodology.

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Article Date: 10/26/2021

Created at 10/26/2021 1:48 PM by Caitlin McDonald
Last modified at 10/26/2021 2:19 PM by Caitlin McDonald
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