Pages: Third-Biodiversity-Expert-Group-Meeting-

Name: Third-Biodiversity-Expert-Group-Meeting-.aspx
Title: Third Biodiversity Expert Group Meeting
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Contact: Caitlin McDonald
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NAP Summary: Building collaborations to close knowledge gaps on biodiversity
NAP Description: Building collaborations to close knowledge gaps on biodiversity
Page Content: The integration of forest and grasslands biodiversity and ecosystems into adaptation strategies provides a critical opportunity to realize multiple benefits for mitigation, biodiversity conservation, avoidance of land degradation and desertification, and enhancement of livelihoods, among other facets of sustainable development.
 In September, the Nairobi work programme (NWP) biodiversity expert group convened for its third meeting to discuss specific collaborative actions to close knowledge gaps that serve as a barrier to the integration of biodiversity into adaptation strategies. This meeting was built on the outcomes of the two previous expert group meetings and the development of a scoping paper, which identifies knowledge gaps (to be published soon).
Through an interactive discussion, the long-term vision of the group was discussed. Expert group members shared insights on how future work can be further targeted to:
Support the work of constituted bodies and implement national priorities, including the formulation and implementation of national adaptation plans  
The importance of synergies with other NWP areas and processes to scale up community involvement in adaptation measures that protect biodiversity was also emphasized.
There were also points raised on the need for global leadership to close adaptation gaps, when working with communities. As the UNFCCC has the potential to share knowledge, the NWP could act as a knowledge intermediary, to ensure that parties can also be responsive to the needs of local communities.
“Cross-sectoral, trans-disciplinary knowledge exchange and making connections, looking at  practical or policy solutions that have synergies and co-benefits across different areas …can bring together agriculture, forestry, biodiversity conservation, and climate action.”
Dennis Mombauer, SLYCAN Trust
Key quotes from the session:
Martias Bertram from Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) provided an update on promoting synergies between biodiversity conservation and climate change adaptation through the NAP and NBSAP’.   Mathias invites case studies showcasing how biodiversity and climate change adaptation are already being integrated at national levels. Please express your interest (via and we can share the case study submission form.
Chris Magero  from IUCN, discussed the critical need to enhance the adaptive capacity of grasslands:
“Grasslands are facing a lot of pressure: expanding agriculture, land degradation that affect biodiversity ecosystems leading to loss of livelihoods and loss of productivity within this land.”
Houria Djouri Niederhauser from CIFOR provided an update on a guide that is focuses to address gender inequities in forest and trees -based adaptation.
 “We talk about restoring ecosystems. What does this mean for women? Women are not a homogenous group, [and] there is a specific role for indigenous women.”
Veronica Lo, on behalf of the UNFCCC, discussed an initiative aimed at enhancing capacity for long term monitoring, evaluation and learning to understand the impacts of ecosystem-based approaches. This initiative will also focus on participatory approaches to monitoring and evaluation to ensure equitable and effective adaptation efforts.
Next steps:
Koko Warner: “This expert group is part of a process. We’re really enhancing and building our collaboration together. Let’s continue pushing the boundaries and closing the gaps in knowledge and make the link to international and ground level.”

More information:
The NWP’s 14th Focal Point Forum on biodiversity and climate change adaptation will be held at COP 26 on 3 November  from 18:00-20:45.  This event will provide an interactive space for dialogue and knowledge-sharing among Parties, UNFCCC national focal points, thematic expert groups and NWP partners. To learn more and RSVP if you are registered for COP 26, visit:

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Article Date: 10/25/2021

Created at 10/25/2021 7:53 PM by Caitlin McDonald
Last modified at 10/25/2021 8:10 PM by Caitlin McDonald
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