Pages: The-October-2021-NWP-Newsletter-is-out!

Name: The-October-2021-NWP-Newsletter-is-out!.aspx
Title: The October 2021 NWP Newsletter is out!
Scheduling Start Date:
Scheduling End Date:
Contact: Caitlin McDonald
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NAP Summary: Features adaptation and resilience events from NWP Partners and across the UNFCCC
NAP Description: Features adaptation and resilience events from NWP Partners and across the UNFCCC
Page Content: Events at COP 26
Nairobi work programme 14th Focal Point Forum 3 November 18:00-20:45 UTC - This event will be held in collaboration with the NWP thematic expert group focusing on the ocean, forest and grassland biodiversity and ecosystems.
Technology Day event in collaboration with Nairobi work programme 8 November 11:00-12:30 UTC - The best of both worlds: Harnessing adaptation technologies and nature-based solutions to enhance ocean and coastal resilience. 
NAP Global Network 8 November 1:30-2:30 UTC - The event discusses building climate resilience and the importance of National Adaptation Plans.
The October 2021 edition is a special newsletter to spotlight informal events of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) and the Conference of Parties in Glasgow.
If you missed the Nairobi work programme's ‘Closing adaptation knowledge gaps through partnerships’ event, showcasing evidence and examples of joint activities with its partners, you can watch it here.
If you would like to watch the interactive discussion on ‘Scaling Integrated Approaches to Strengthen Coastal and Ocean Adaptation’’ organised in the collaboration with the NWP Ocean expert group, the Technology Executive Committee, the International Union for the Convention of Nature and Friends of Ecosystem based adaptation, please watch it here.
You can access the newsletter here.
 The NWP offers an inclusive knowledge-to-action hub to access, exchange, and act upon the latest information on climate change adaptation and resilience. Get involved!
If you would like to develop a new story on the Adaptation Knowledge Portal or highlight an adaptation initiative in the next eUpdate please get in touch with us: and @AdaptXChange

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Article Date: 10/18/2021

Created at 10/18/2021 12:59 PM by Caitlin McDonald
Last modified at 10/26/2021 1:58 PM by Caitlin McDonald
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