Pages: What's-new-this-month-on-the-Adaptation-Knowledge-Portal

Name: What's-new-this-month-on-the-Adaptation-Knowledge-Portal.aspx
Title: What's new this month on the Adaptation Knowledge Portal?
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Contact: Inga Moellers
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NAP Summary: A resource base on climate change adaptation
NAP Description: A resource base on climate change adaptation
Page Content: 2021 has been an eventful year as governments, organisations in the public and private sector, and civil society, tackle the new challenges brought by the pandemic and move forward with their plans to build climate action on several fronts. As we hit the 100-day mark to the next UN Climate Change Conference (COP 26), partners of the Nairobi Work programme (NWP), the UNFCCC’s knowledge to action hub, is working hard to address the most pressing knowledge gaps to achieve meaningful progress to support a climate-resilient world.
New adaptation focused resources on the Adaptation Knowledge Portal
During the month of July, the Adaptation Knowledge Portal (AKP) featured over 15 new knowledge resources and articles bringing together new perspectives on climate adaptation finance and governance, biodiversity, oceans and coastal areas, water and food systems and more.
Here are some of the highlights:
The University of Auckland provided an informative case study on adaptation practices in flood-affected communities in Cambodia and Fiji. The World Bank report on innovative governance for flood and drought risk management complements this with a call for a new framework to create a more effective system of managing hydro-climatic risks.
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations also contributed three knowledge resources: nature-based solutions for agriculture; a methodology assessment for loss and damage; and a set of guidelines negotiated at a multilateral level focusing on connections between food systems and nutrition.
A new opportunity mapping tool developed to catalyse increased investments in green infrastructure was submitted by the United Nations Environment Programme.
The Ocean & Climate Platform shared interesting insights on tackling biodiversity loss in oceans and coastal areas, as well as an exploring good practices to strengthen collaboration  across the Convention of Biological Diversity and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Wetland International also shared their insights on the same thematic area, with lessons learned in recovering 20 kilometres of eroded coastline in Central Java, Indonesia.
Stories that share diverse perspectives to address knowledge gaps
The NWP newsroom has also recently featured a story bringing 6 different perspectives to deal with the water crisis in a changing climate. In addition, the first of a series of interviews was launched, which explains how the NWP collaborates with constituted bodies under the UNFCCC to scale up adaptation action. As part of the UN Universities and Climate Change Partnership Programme, graduate students of the University of Michigan shared their experience in developing a planning toolkit for farmers and practitioners in Namibia.
Read about recent UNFCCC progress and NWP partners highlights on adaptation action
You might also find the NWP’s latest quarterly newsletter an informative read, showcasing the most recent advancements in the lead-up to COP 26 in collaboration with other constituted bodies and work programmes, such as the Least developed Countries group, the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform, the Adaptation Committee and the Technology Executive Committee and the Consultative Group of Experts. Sign up here to receive the newsletter.
Learn more about the NWP’s biodiversity-related thematic work
If you are interested in learning more about addressing knowledge gaps related to biodiversity and ecosystems, oceans and coastal areas, check out our thematic pages and get to know how the NWP works with thematic expert groups using the knowledge to action methodology. A new scoping paper on addressing knowledge gaps for integrating forest and grasslands biodiversity and ecosystems into adaptation strategies is set to come out later this year, which will showcase sixteen case studies illustrating examples of good practice.
Other new knowledge resources recently published on the AKP:
a global status report on transport and climate change by the SLOCAT Partnership on Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport;
an African handbook on climate change adaptation and a study on the impacts of the early outset of the COVID-19 pandemic on climate change research and the implications for policy-making by the Sustainable Development and Climate Change Management Research and Transfer Centre);
a report on Asia and the Pacific’s progress towards SDG 7, by the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific; and
two new documents on advancing climate resilience and national adaptation strategies in Canada, by the IISD.

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Article Date: 8/11/2021

Created at 8/11/2021 1:45 PM by Inga Moellers
Last modified at 8/12/2021 1:38 PM by Inga Moellers
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