Pages: Release-of-the-NWP-synopsis-series

Name: Release-of-the-NWP-synopsis-series.aspx
Title: Release of the NWP synopsis series
Comments: The 7 synopses highlight key findings and possible next steps to enhance adaptation knowledge on major themes and issues,
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NAP Summary: The 7 synopses highlight key findings and possible next steps to enhance adaptation knowledge on major themes and issues.
NAP Description: The 7 synopses highlight key findings and possible next steps to enhance adaptation knowledge on the major themes and issues that have been addressed under the NWP.
Page Content: Based on four years of technical work in collaboration with NWP partner organizations, experts and other relevant organizations, the 7 synopses  summarize the good practices and lessons learned, and introduce possible next steps to enhance knowledge on the issue of adaptation planning in general (including processes and structures to link national and local adaptation planning), as well as on the more specific questions of adaptation planning for ecosystems, human settlements, water resources and health. They also deal with the cross-cutting issues of the use of local, indigenous and traditional knowledge and practices for adaptation, as well as of gender-sensitive approaches and tools.
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Article Date: 5/12/2016

Created at 5/11/2016 8:53 PM by Laureline Krichewsky
Last modified at 7/21/2021 5:54 PM by Serkant Samurkas
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