Pages: LCIPP-Webportal

Name: LCIPP-Webportal.aspx
Title: The Engagement of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities Crucial to Tackling Climate Crisis
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Contact: Sara Grambs
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NAP Summary: The new portal highlights the crucial role of indigenous peoples and local communities in building a climate-resilient world
NAP Description: The new portal highlights the crucial role of indigenous peoples and local communities in building a climate-resilient world
Page Content: The launch of the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples’ Platform (LCIPP) web portal during the May-June 2021 UN Climate Change Conference marks the first online space for indigenous knowledge holders and Parties. The dedicated web portal brings together indigenous peoples to share local knowledge systems, events and relevant resources under the scope of the UNFCCC. The portal incorporates new ways for contributors to get directly involved and participate in the work of the LCIPP, and enhance knowledge sharing among and from indigenous peoples and local communities working to address climate change.
The LCIPP is designed to enable indigenous peoples and local communities at the front lines of climate change to share their unique perspectives on reducing emissions and adapting and building resilience to climate change, thereby giving them an active role in shaping climate action as part of the UNFCCC process.
To learn more and view the full article in the UNFCCC newsroom, please click here.
Ways to engage  
Indigenous peoples, local communities, Parties and other relevant contributors to the LCIPP are invited to share your experiences and engage with the work of the LCIPP through the portal’s user-friendly ways to engage. 
Visit here to explore how you can help raise the voices of indigenous peoples and local communities and address climate change in a holistic way.
For more information, please visit the LCIPP web portal or contact the LCIPP Team at

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Article Date: 6/11/2021

Created at 6/11/2021 2:05 PM by Sara Grambs
Last modified at 7/21/2021 5:54 PM by Serkant Samurkas
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