Pages: Survey-report-article

Name: Survey-report-article.aspx
Title: How can climate change adaptation knowledge products be made more accessible, relevant and useful?
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Contact: Sara Grambs
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NAP Summary: Key findings from knowledge users on a recent survey
NAP Description: Key findings from knowledge users on a recent survey
Page Content: In 2019, the Nairobi work programme (NWP) solicited feedback from knowledge users through a survey targeting NWP partners and UNFCCC national focal points (NFPs). The secretariat gathered insights from the survey to strengthen relevance and improve applicability and accessibility of the knowledge products, including the Adaptation Knowledge Portal (AKP). The survey report can be found here
What are the key findings from the survey?
Respondents highlighted a number of elements that need to be further strengthened, which include:  
Enhance engagement with NWP partners and UNFCCC NFPs by clearly presenting the value-add of NWP knowledge products  
Improve accessibility of knowledge products, including spotlighting partners content  
A need to understand how different users access and consume information, what their attitudes and perceptions are, and what information they need to take up adaptation solutions  
Boost usability by making content more easily sharable including the use of social media  
There is a need to provide content which speaks to the practical needs of users  
Co-create more thematic and geographically specific knowledge products with partners. 
The secretariat has been encouraged to continue to develop knowledge products that are noted as relevant. 
Further findings can be read in the report.
What steps have been taken in response to the findings? 
The secretariat has already undertaken strides to overcome some of the noted findings. These steps include:  
Producing regular news stories, blogs, infographs, social media content and interviews on the adaptation knowledge portal (AKP) and UNFCCC website 
Promoting outputs by constituted bodies, partners and UNFCCC NFPs via the NWP quarterly newsletters  
Establishing a communications and targeted outreach strategy for the AKP  
Restructuring content and navigation on both the NWP webpages and the AKP to improve contributions to support the work of the UNFCCC 
Redesigning critical sections of the AKP to improve visibility to new partner content  
Strengthening NWP social media presence, which promotes opportunities for engagement.
In the months to come, further improvements will be taken to make NWP knowledge products more accessible, relevant and usable. This is critical to address adaptation knowledge gaps and help scale up adaptation actions.
More information 
If you would like to learn more, please get in touch with us:  
The final survey report can be found here.  

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Article Date: 6/8/2021

Created at 6/7/2021 10:00 PM by Sara Grambs
Last modified at 7/21/2021 5:54 PM by Serkant Samurkas
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