Pages: NWP-annual-report

Name: NWP-annual-report.aspx
Title: NWP Annual Report: an overview of progress and lessons learned in scaling up adaptation action
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Contact: Sara Grambs
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NAP Summary: The Nairobi Work programme launched its 2021 Annual Report
NAP Description: The Nairobi Work programme launched its 2021 Annual Report
Page Content: The Nairobi Work Programme (NWP) has recently launched its 2021 Annual Report ahead of the May-June session of the subsidiary bodies. The report lays out how the UNFCCC knowledge-to-action hub on adaptation and resilience is supporting enhanced action on climate resilience.  The document also shows progress, good practices and challenges in implementing these activities in collaboration with partner organizations and experts, as well as includes an indicative work plan 2021-2020.  
Main achievements of the NWP in 2020-21 include establishing new partnerships for enhanced action on climate resilience with thematic expert groups, universities and organisations, catalysing action in thematic areas of forests and grasslands, and oceans, coastal areas and ecosystems, advancing work on bridging priority knowledge gaps in countries and subregions under the Lima Adaptation Knowledge Initiative, and collaborating with UNFCCC constituted bodies.  
The report also lays out priorities for 2021–2022 that will build on the momentum of the work to date and strengthen the role of the NWP as the knowledge-to-action hub on adaptation and resilience. Some of these priorities include:
- Exploring opportunities to strengthen linkages with constituted bodies and institutional arrangements. This will help in making the  
   NWP more responsive to needs of developing countries.   
- Mobilising NWP partners, thematic expert groups and LAKI partners, including universities, to assist the LEG in implementing NAP-
   related activities and providing support to the LDCs. 
- Addressing knowledge needs of the LDCs and SIDS in the thematic areas of agriculture and food security, forests and grasslands, and 
   oceans, coastal areas and ecosystems when co-designing collaborative actions and related knowledge outreach.
About the NWP

The NWP, in its role as the UNFCCC knowledge-to-action hub for adaptation and resilience, connects Parties, UNFCCC constituted bodies and partners through the curation, production and communication of knowledge. 
For more information on the work under the NWP, visit the UNFCCC NWP Page and the Adaptation Knowledge Portal.

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Article Date: 6/1/2021

Created at 6/1/2021 9:59 AM by Sara Grambs
Last modified at 7/21/2021 5:54 PM by Serkant Samurkas
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