Pages: Oceans-expert-group-meeting

Name: Oceans-expert-group-meeting.aspx
Title: Building resilience of oceans and coastal areas: collaboration with the UNFCCC expert group on oceans
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Contact: Sara Grambs
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NAP Summary: Third virtual meeting of the NWP’s expert group on oceans highlights the importance of strengthening the linkages between ocean-related work and climate action
NAP Description: Third virtual meeting of the NWP’s expert group on oceans highlights the importance of strengthening the linkages between ocean-related work and climate action
Page Content: Sea level rise, storm surges and changes in the marine ecosystem are some of the effects of climate change. There is another side to the story, however. Oceans can be harnessed as an important ally in addressing climate change. Healthy oceans are instrumental in regulating the climate system and are integral to achieving the SDGs, the goals of the Paris Agreement, and the ambition needed to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.
The Nairobi Work Programme expert group on oceans has taken over the challenge of bringing ocean-driven action to the surface, filling knowledge gaps that will support countries in strengthening their work on ocean and climate adaptation.
The third meeting of the expert group, held on May 11-12, 2021, gathered members of over 25 leading and diverse organisations to develop long-term strategies and actions that can support countries in meeting adaptation priorities related to building resilience on the oceans, coastal areas and ecosystems.
The outcomes of the latest report on the Ocean and climate change dialogue served as one of the inputs to inform the discussions. In the context of the adaptation priorities, countries have highlighted in their recent NDCs their efforts to adapt ocean ecosystems in a way that promote sustainable development while safeguarding oceans as focus areas.
'There is a shrinking window of opportunity to act on this crisis. Now is the time for planned action in the oceans. It's essential that collectively we provide the connectivity between science, policy and action,’ said Kevin Horsburgh, Climate Science Lead at the Green Climate Fund (GCF).
At the meeting, the expert group stressed the importance of building on available knowledge on oceans, and in turn, strengthening linkages of the work under the NWP with existing initiatives for climate adaptation. This process involves reaching out to governments, partners and institutions to not only to consider oceans and coastal areas in their national adaptation plans, but also to explore the many ways ocean-related work can contribute to a successful implementation of those plans.
To see the whole tweet, please click here.
The experts also highlighted the need for innovative technologies with potential to build resilience in coastal and ocean settings, as well as engaging in action across many work areas under the Convention.
It's time to get out of our comfort zones and see how to strengthen the linkages so that overlaps can result in supplementation of those areas of work. The NWP is working across various thematic areas, such as biodiversity, agriculture and food security, human settlements, ecosystems, water resources, health.  These are all good opportunities to strengthen those linkages,’ said Ali Raza Rizvi, Programme Manager for Ecosystem-based adaptation at the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
To see the whole tweet, please click here.
Outcomes and next steps
The experts highlighted following key areas to focus throughout their long-term cross-collaboration under the scope of the Nairobi Work Programme:
• Strengthen the links between the ocean and other climate-related areas of work.
• Explore different strategies that support developing countries in accessing climate finance for oceans and coastal areas initiatives. 
• Support developing countries in meeting adaptation priorities, including promoting integration of ocean-based solutions in NAPs    
        and NDCs, as well as supporting implementation for post-covid recovery of coastal areas.
• Expand outreach and promote visibility of knowledge on ocean to push forward climate action under the UNFCCC.
The oceans expert group defined its long-term priorities and partnership goals to help strengthen work under the UNFCCC and outside it. It brings expertise to work like NDCs and NAPs where the ocean and coastal ecosystems are mentioned’, said Koko Warner, Manager at the UNFCCC's Adaptation Division.
More information

Oceans, coastal areas and ecosystems, including mega deltas, coral reefs and mangroves are amongst the priority areas under the Nairobi Work Programme (NWP), the UNFCCC knowledge-to-action hub for adaptation and resilience. The NWP expert group on the ocean has worked together since 2019 to find synergies to strengthen adaptation knowledge networks and address support of specific knowledge needs for Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Islands Developing States (SIDS), while also collaborating with the constituted bodies under the UNFCCC process.
Other initiatives under the NWP that can engage collective action for the oceans and coastal areas thematic area are the Lima Adaptation Knowledge Initiative (LAKI), which addresses challenges faced by the Pacific Islands at sub-regional levels, and the UN Climate Change and Universities Partnership Programme, latter providing opportunities for graduate students to work closely with local, national and regional partners.
Visit the ocean page on the Adaptation Knowledge Portal.

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Article Date: 6/1/2021

Created at 6/1/2021 9:25 AM by Sara Grambs
Last modified at 7/23/2021 9:22 PM by Serkant Samurkas
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