Pages: A-new-Biodiversity-thematic-page-launched-on-the-Adaptation-Knowledge-Portal-

Name: A-new-Biodiversity-thematic-page-launched-on-the-Adaptation-Knowledge-Portal-.aspx
Title: A new Biodiversity thematic page launched on the Adaptation Knowledge Portal
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NAP Summary: The role of forests and grasslands ecosystems and biodiversity in adaptation
NAP Description: The role of forest and grasslands ecosystems and biodiversity in adaptation
Page Content: There is a pressing need to integrate forest and grasslands biodiversity and ecosystems into adaptation strategies. This is a priority area for the Nairobi Work Programme (NWP), which emerged from a request by Parties.

Get Involved
Contribute thematic knowledge resources to the AKP: Submit a case study online form, submit a tool or method online form and other publications submit a knowledge resource online form.
Join our Climate Dialogue event.
Addressing knowledge gaps: Biodiversity and climate change adaptation.
Date: 26 November 2020, 13:30 - 15:00 CET 
This thematic page on the Adaptation Knowledge Portal, will be regularly updated to include updates on new activities, knowledge resources including case studies, and partners’ work  that address the needs of Parties. In addition, users have the opportunity to join the Nairobi Work Programme as partners, make an action pledge to support adaptation planning and implementation related to biodiversity and climate change adaptation.
We hope that this thematic work will strengthen various stakeholders' understanding of the role of forests and grasslands ecosystems and biodiversity in adaptation, especially among least developed countries. This includes recognizing the trade-offs that need to be considered and minimized, and as well as examining the potential co-benefits for mitigation, biodiversity conservation, avoidance of land degradation, enhancement of livelihoods, among other facets of sustainable development.
Applying a knowledge-to-action methodology, the NWP will be continuing to collaborate with the group of experts and constituted bodies under the UNFCCC over 2021 to advance actions. The outputs, including a scoping paper and policy brief will serve as input to the 14th NWP Focal Point Forum that will be held in conjunction with SBSTA 52 at COP26.
We will be sharing more of our progress and learning from our scoping paper in our upcoming event on November 26 2020: Addressing knowledge gaps: Biodiversity and climate change adaptation. Join us! You can find more details here.
Photo credit: "Flamingo" scenery by Global Environment Facility (GEF) is under licence by CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
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Adaptation sector/theme: Biodiversity
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Article Date: 11/16/2020

Created at 11/13/2020 12:42 PM by Francis Opolot
Last modified at 10/21/2021 9:47 AM by Serkant Samurkas
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