Pages: Engage-with-the-Nairobi-work-programme-events-during-the-UNFCCC-Climate-Dialogues-

Name: Engage-with-the-Nairobi-work-programme-events-during-the-UNFCCC-Climate-Dialogues-.aspx
Title: Engage with the Nairobi Work Programme events during the UNFCCC Climate Dialogues
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NAP Summary: Advancing work on Biodiversity and partnerships in addressing adaptation knowledge gaps
NAP Description: Advancing work on biodiversity and partnerships in addressing adaptation knowledge gaps
Page Content: Political momentum through UNFCCC climate dialogues
In many parts of the globe, the health and safety measures in response to the COVID19 pandemic that early this year warranted the postponement of COP 26 and subsidiary body sessions to 2021 are back in place due to recent increase in infections. Capitalizing on the experience from the June Momentum for Climate Change (June Momentum) earlier this year, the SBSTA Chair, Tosi Mpanu Mpanu (Democratic Republic of Congo) and the SBI Chair, Marianne Karlsen (Norway), in collaboration with the COP 25 Presidency and incoming COP 26 Presidency, launched another series of virtual events, the UNFCCC Climate Change Dialogues, November/December 2020 (Climate Dialogues) to advance work on the subsidiary bodies and COP agendas.

Opportunities for engagement with the Nairobi work programme events!
The Nairobi Work Programme, UNFCCC knowledge-to-action hub on adaptation and resilience, will be organizing two virtual events during the climate dialogues:
We invite you to participate in these events!
Addressing knowledge gaps: Biodiversity and climate change adaptation. Date: 26 November 2020 from 13:30 – 15:00 CET. During this event, panelists, including members of the NWP thematic expert group on biodiversity, will explore co-benefits for mitigation, biodiversity conservation, and avoidance of land degradation and desertification.
For more information and registration details, click >>here<<.
Scaling up adaptation through partnerships: Addressing knowledge gaps. Date: 30 November 2020 at 12:30-14:00 CET. This event, through an interactive panel interview and exchange with all participants will highlight the work being undertaken in collaboration with universities, global and regional centres and networks to address adaptation knowledge needs of targeted knowledge users in countries and subregions.
For more information and registration details, click >>here<<.
Photo Credits
Image1 (top right): Shane Rounce/Unsplash
Image2 (bottom left): Arthur Lambillotte/Unsplash

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Article Date: 11/25/2020

Created at 11/13/2020 11:57 AM by Francis Opolot
Last modified at 7/21/2021 5:54 PM by Serkant Samurkas
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