Pages: PCCB

Name: PCCB.aspx
Title: Capacity-building Stories from the paris committee on capacity-building network
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NAP Summary: Every month from August to December 2020, the PCCB Network is releasing a story on concrete examples of climate-related capacity-building
NAP Description: The PCCB Network is releasing a monthly story on concrete examples of climate-related capacity-building
Page Content: Every month from August to December 2020, the PCCB Network is releasing a story on concrete examples of climate-related capacity-building led by members of the network from across regions, sectors, and institutions. It is a great opportunity for all capacity-building enthusiasts to stay current, learn more about activities of their peers, and become inspired to share their own stories.


The sharing of stories is open to all members of the PCCB Network. The stories are developed and communicated collaboratively, and in a variety of formats: interviews, standup talks, podcasts and other engaging means.


Capacity-building stories aim to provide insider views from the work of various capacity-building actors, the opportunities they utilize, and the challenges they face. They also give the readers and viewers a better understanding of ongoing capacity-building efforts, as well as existing gaps and needs, particularly in developing countries.


The first story featured a joint initiative led by the International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD) and the Climate Development and Knowledge Network (CDKN) called “Voices from the Frontline.”


The second story is about a successful series of capacity-building focused regional workshops led by the PCCB and ten organizing partners from across regions: Capacity-building Knowledge to Action Days. These workshops aimed at identifying existing gaps and potential solutions for the development of policy-relevant climate knowledge and the translation of it to climate action through fostering cross-stakeholder collaborations.


With these stories, the PCCB Network hopes to share relevant and important knowledge, experiences, and lessons learned from an array of climate-related capacity-building efforts, and provide some food for thought to inspire future dialogues and actions.


The PCCB Network invites all capacity-building enthusiasts to follow these stories (#CB_Stories), share them with their networks, and add to them through the PCCB social media channels as well as the PCCB Network webpages.

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Article Date: 10/14/2020

Created at 10/12/2020 4:47 PM by Francis Opolot
Last modified at 7/21/2021 5:54 PM by Serkant Samurkas
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