Pages: Technology-Executive-Committee-Survey

Name: Technology-Executive-Committee-Survey.aspx
Title: Technology Executive Committee Survey Deadline Extended to 14 August 2020
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NAP Summary: Have your say on how countries could build their capacity to develop own and modify climate technologies
NAP Description: Have your say on how countries could build their capacity to develop own and modify climate technologies
Page Content: Endogenous capacities and technologies are not new in the context of climate change and your inputs on how these capacities and technologies affect your work are being sought via a survey.

Under the Paris Agreement's Technology Framework, the Technology Mechanism was mandated to work on this topic to support countries in implementing their action on adaptation and mitigation.

The Technology Executive Committee (TEC) – the policy component of the Technology Mechanism – has been working on this topic since 2016, starting with looking at what constitutes “endogenous” capacities and technologies. The result of this work can be viewed here:

For the TEC, "Endogenous technologies" are those that have been:
 a) Developed within the country or by a team of in-country and external people, or
 b) Developed elsewhere but modified and adapted within the country or by a team of in-country and external people to meet the country's needs and conditions.

"Endogenous capacities" include the capacities to:
 a) Assess climate-related technology needs from the individual to the national level,
 b) Identify appropriate technologies to assist in meeting identified needs, and
 c) Adapt technologies to local needs and conditions.

The TEC is now looking to identify needs, gaps, challenges and enabling environments to promote these capacities and technologies.

If you are actively involved in climate change projects, you are in a unique position to help us understand how endogenous capacities and technologies affect your work. The TEC would like to hear from you through a survey that can be accessed via survey monkey. The survey deadline is August 14th, 2020.

The results of the survey will be analyzed and reported to the TEC at its next meeting, which is tentatively going to be held in November 2020.

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Adaptation sector/theme:
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Article Date: 8/7/2020

Created at 8/7/2020 10:21 AM by Francis Opolot
Last modified at 7/21/2021 5:54 PM by Serkant Samurkas
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