Pages: Strengthening-interlinks-between-biodiversity-and-climate-change-adaptation

Name: Strengthening-interlinks-between-biodiversity-and-climate-change-adaptation.aspx
Title: Strengthening interlinks between biodiversity and climate change adaptation
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NAP Summary: Thematic focus of the Nairobi Work Programme
NAP Description: Thematic focus of the Nairobi Work Programme
Page Content: Introduction
In 2019 at SBSTA 50, the Nairobi Work Programme (NWP) was requested to prioritize a set of thematic areas, including forests and grasslands. The Adaptation Committee advised the NWP to focus the 14th focal point forum on the link between biodiversity and climate change adaptation.

To kick off this work, the NWP team organized the first expert group meeting over July 8-9, including representatives from constituted bodies (CBs). We were immensely fortunate to bring together a diverse group of experts from around the world, with twenty-four participants representing international organizations, national NGOs, research institutes, think tanks, indigenous peoples’ organizations and UN agencies, in a virtual setting.

The NWP is also seeking to strengthen synergies between relevant work and processes under the UNFCCC and the UN Convention on Biological Diversity, as well as other relevant processes, to address concerns of biodiversity and climate change adaptation in a concerted manner.

Key discussion points from the expert group meeting
The aim of the meeting was to: 1) explain the NWP’s knowledge-to-action methodology, how the thematic work will support relevant CB activities, and inform the information needs of Parties; and 2) get the expert group’s inputs into the outline of a scoping paper to be prepared on this thematic area.

Over the two days, we identified existing gaps (including knowledge, capacity and action gaps) and collaborative actions that can be taken up to address challenges and barriers for integrating biodiversity and ecosystems into adaptation planning.

Breakout groups provided an opportunity for rich exchanges on several sub-themes, building on the expertise of the members, namely: role of forest/grassland ecosystems in adaptation; design and implementation; and governance.

The expert group discussions successfully guided the NWP team in ensuring that the scoping paper captures critical issues on this theme.

What’s next?
In the coming months, as we work on the scoping paper and a webinar, the NWP will:

continue to examine the role of biodiversity and ecosystems in adaptation
further analyze the identified gaps
draw examples of good practices of where and how biodiversity has been integrated into adaptation strategies at multiple scales from different regions of the world, most especially least developed countries, African countries and small island developing states
continue to connect with CBs to ensure that our learning feeds into NAPs and nature-based solution activities, and
work with the expert group to identify implementable actions to close knowledge gaps or address challenges.

In partnership with the Friends of Ecosystem-based Adaptation (FEBA), we have established a working group on biodiversity and climate change adaptation to ensure engagement with the wider community of practice. We also aim to present, co-organize and co-facilitate panels and side events at a number of external events.

The main findings and actions will be presented and discussed at the 14th Focal Point Forum, a mandated NWP event, to be held at COP 26 in Glasgow.

If you would like to learn more, get in touch with us:

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Article Date: 7/28/2020

Created at 7/21/2020 11:34 AM by Francis Opolot
Last modified at 7/21/2021 5:54 PM by Serkant Samurkas
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