Pages: AKP-Social-Media

Name: AKP-Social-Media.aspx
Title: Adaptation Knowledge Portal (AKP) Steps up Social Media Outreach
Scheduling Start Date:
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Contact E-Mail Address:
Contact Name: Francis Opolot
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Target Audiences:
NAP Summary: Follow AKP on Twitter (@Adapt Xchange) and on Facebook (@ The Adaptation Exchange)
NAP Description: Follow AKP on Twitter (@Adapt Xchange) and on Facebook (@ The Adaptation Exchange)
Page Content: The Nairobi Work Programme (NWP) uses two major social media platforms; Twitter
(@Adapt Xchange) and Facebook (@ The Adaptation Exchange), to engage diverse audience
including Partners, Parties, non-parties and individuals across the globe. By
adopting some specific strategies combined with visually engaging multimedia, the
performance of our social media platforms keeps improving.


Our media content each
week is structured to reflect not only the mandate, knowledge products and
knowledge gaps of the NWP, but also to showcase the works of Parties, Partners and
UNFCCC constituted bodies. These promotions are also done by reposting/retweeting
current and desired partners.

Through Twitter and Facebook, international
days that are relevant to the work of NWP and its audience are acknowledged. We
also promote trending topics and how they fit into our work. Lately, NPW posts
and tweets are centered around ongoing efforts of staff and stakeholders amidst
the present COVID-19 pandemic, linkages between the pandemic and various NWP
thematic areas, and call for initiatives and submissions around this crisis.

Furthermore, the use of trending,
specific and general hashtags has resulted in a reach beyond our follower list.
It is worth noting that, our media platforms have been very useful in driving
traffic to the Adaption Knowledge portal, UNFCCC websites and other relevant
knowledge resources. Additional tools that have been very beneficial in the
management and monitoring of our social media pages include TweetDeck and Bitly.


In the recent past, the NWP social
media channels have registered remarkable progress in reaching out to our stakeholders with timely information. As of March 2020, our Twitter
page attracted over 2,800 followers, nearly 4000 profile visits, 400 new
followers and earning a total tweet impression of over 300,000. This is an indication that
our messages reach a large and increasing audience. Similarly, on Facebook, over 16,000
followers are engaged.

Page Image:
Adaptation sector/theme:
Geographic Region:
Adaptation Element:
Climate Hazard:
Article Date: 6/16/2020

Created at 4/27/2020 5:51 PM by Francis Opolot
Last modified at 7/21/2021 5:54 PM by Serkant Samurkas
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