Action 1
Study of the effects of climate change on the territory: diagnosis, impact and vulnerabilities (A.1).
Diagnosis of social and institutional capacity to increase the resilience of the territory (A.2)
They will provide knowledge on the impact of climate change in the selected territories, as well as on the capacity of the society to face them. Related objectives: informing stakeholders, raising awareness, applying and comparing available methodologies and knowledge.
The resources used will be: existing studies (from the Spanish and Catalan Climate Change Offices (CCCO) and other European projects), external consultancies that will conduct the studies on the impacts and social diagnosis and technicians of the public authorities involved (mainly from the CCCO and DIBA), which will guide the work in coordination with the technicians from local authorities and with the stakeholders involved in the territorial and sectorial governance structures (MeTACC and MeSAAC).
Action 2
Creating multilevel governance structures for adaptation to climate change (C.1).
Training and Education (C.4).
Actions aimed at training, building capacity and organising all stakeholders from the territories and the economic activities so that they get ready to take action.
Related objectives: organizing a coordinated response, providing local authorities with the appropriate tools and including climate change adaptation in their action. The participation platforms will be organized with own resources and there will be external consultants and experts for capacity building and training.
Action 3
Development of the Strategy and Action Plans for adaptation to climate change. MeTACC activity. (C.2).
Implementation of adaptation actions (C.3).
MeTACC will draft climate change adaptation strategies and action plans and will implement 6 pilot measures.
Related objectives: adaptation planning, launching investment processes, establishing criteria to attract private investment, upgrading local economies and demonstrating socioeconomic feasibility of adaptation measures.
Own resources will be used, mainly: experts from the County Councils, which will guide the process, external consultancies to draft the planning and contractors to implement pilot adaptation measures.
Action 4
Replicability and transferability of LIFE Clinomics (C.5).
This action will extend the results in the climate zone of southern Europe.
Related objectives: developing a European model on adaptation planning as well as strengthening Mayors Adapt.
Own resources will be used, as well as some external assistance.
Action 5
Strategy and instruments for dissemination (E.1).
Design and editing of educational materials (E.2).
Organization and participation in seminars and conferences (E.3).
These actions will publicize CLINOMICS results and methodology.
Related objectives: training, capacity building, informing and raising awareness in the territories within the project and beyond, in order to help extending Mayors Adapt initiative.
Own resources will be used, mainly from social stakeholders, and there might be some external contracts.
Action 6
Calculation and monitoring of indicators (D.1).
Project management and coordination (F.1).
Evaluation and monitoring of the project (F.2).
After-LIFE Plan (F.3).
These are actions that guarantee the CLINOMICS aims and its continuity. Own resources will be used, mainly from the project coordinator (DIBA), external assistance on management and experts for the quality control and project assessment