Title |
Implementing a Holistic and Student-Centered Outreach Programme Towards Integrated Sustainable Development of the Campus — A Case Study of a Residential School from South India’
NWPWeblink |
NWPTypeOfOrganization |
Civil society
NWPGeographicRegion |
Scope of work |
Assessment; Design of approaches; Data collection and management; Development of strategies
NWPMandatesandFrameworks |
Integrated Cyclical System Model
NWPModalityApproachandMechanism |
The modality approach involves engaging students and staff in hands-on activities like tree planting, recycling programs, and energy-saving campaigns. Mechanisms include forming eco-clubs, conducting workshops, and collaborating with environmental organizations to implement and sustain green practices on campus.
NWPEffortsToAddressSOE |
NWPRelevantStakeholders |
Pondicherry University, local community, Students and Staff.
NWPFocusonNElossesFlag |
Green School Development
NWPImpactAreas |
NWPOutputs |
Good practices and lessons learned |
The Green Campus Initiative is a golden opportunity to develop and implement tailor-made programs with an integrated approach encompassing:
Reclamation and recycling of greywater
Student involvement and staff orientation are the heart of the Green Campus Initiative program.
NWPGapsChallenges |
Date of submission |
Abbreviation |
Activities |
Awareness, Capacity Building, Ground Level Implementation, Real-time Data Generation, Monitoring, and Reflecting.
Adaptation element |
Capacity building; Education and training
Adaptation sector/theme |
Agriculture; Food security; Water resources; Ecosystems; Biodiversity; Health; Ecosystem-based adaptation; Community-based adaptation; Energy; Gender
Climate hazard |
Increasing temperatures; Land and forest degradation; Loss of biodiversity
Country |
NWPDataSource |
Primary Data of the pilot research
Description |
For several decades now, many institutions are doing their best to strive towards a sustainable future through education, research and out reach. According to UNESCO, the goal of education is to make people wiser, more knowledgeable, better informed, ethical, responsible, critical and capable of continuing to learn. Education is also the means to disseminate knowledge and develop skills, in order to not only bring about desired changes in behaviours, values, lifestyles but also to promote public support towards the continuing and fundamental changes that will be required if humanity is to alter its course towards sustainability. To meet ever growing global environmental challenges, every school, colleges and universities must prepare today’s students in all disciplines, and it cannot be implemented/achieved without students’ involvement.
Expected outcome |
Asset Creation for the campus, Increased knowledge on climate education for Students, teachers, and others.
Further information |
A collaborative effort involving the University, Regional Government, Students, Local Communities, etc.
NWPGeographicScope |
Indicators of achievement |
Awards and Recognitions received by the campus
NWPInformationType |
Case study
NWPJoinDate |
NWPPartner |
Association for Promoting Sustainability in Campuses and Communities
Purpose |
The purpose of the Global Classroom Initiative (GCI) at Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya (JNV) is to enhance educational experiences by catalyzing attitude change among students through climate education
Regional group |
Least Developed Countries
Target group |
Academics and scientists; Communities; Policy makers
NWPWorkStream |
NWPYear |
NWPOutcome |
This study presents a case of a residential school in the developing part of the world that transforms itself into a model, self sufficient sustainable campus through constant motivation sustained by the result of their positive actions towards the sustainable development of the campus. While the green campus initiatives are more likely to focus solely on ecological issues (downplaying social and economic issues), this initiative revolves around the continually evolving and adaptive sustainability model that depends on the integrated knowledge from all the stakeholders in the school (lowest to the highest echelons) by bringing all of them to work as one single group with a vision on school sustainability. Emphasizing more on this, the Green Campus Initiative (GCI) is successfully evolved and implemented within 100 working days. This pilot scale Green Campus Initiative was evolved, based on the research done at Pondicherry University, and implemented as the student centered outreach programme, encompassing water-food-energy-ecosystems nexus, with an integrated systems approach. The various measures undertaken by the campus are discussed in brief and how they helped transform the campus into a Green Campus. The lessons learnt will be very useful for replication of similar experiments elsewhere in India or in any other developing country
NWPPartners |
Type of knowledge resource |
Scale of work |
NWPSlowOnsetEvents |
NWPReferences |
Implementing partners |
NWPYearPublication |
NWPUpdate |
SourceItemID |
NWPSecendaryEmail |
NWPPrimaryEmail |
NWPTypeOfKnowledge |
Technical document/report
NWPCountryItem |
NWPRelevantWeblinks |