In the framework of Caring for Climate, a series of publications on adaptation and business were published between 2011 and 2015.
- Adapting for a Green Economy: Companies, Communities and Climate Change (2011) – Provides the business case for private sector adaptation.
- Business and Climate Change Adaptation: Toward Resilient Companies and Communities (2012) – Showcases 10 case examples.
- The Business Case for Responsible Corporate Adaptation: Strengthening Private Sector and Community Resilience (2015) - Outlines the benefits for businesses of implementing adaptation activities.
Water Resilience Coalition: The Water Resilience Coalition, founded in 2020, is an industry-driven, CEO-led coalition of the UN Global Compact’s CEO Water Mandate that aims to elevate global water stress to the top of the corporate agenda. 20 companies have joined the Coalition and signed a pledge towards three overarching 2050 commitments. The Coalition is a part of the Climate Champions’ Race to Resilience.
Ocean Work: The Ocean teams’ work also has many activities relating to adaptation notably through its Ocean Stewardship Coalition and its Safe Seaweed Coalition, but also its work on Marine Spatial planning, blue finance and nature-based solutions.
Adaptation and Resilience in Africa: Climate Adaptation and Resilience is one of the five thematic areas for new program development as a part of UN Global Compact’s new Africa Strategy. Adaptation is also one of the commitments included in the Africa Business Leaders Climate Statement of the UN Global Compact-convened Africa Business Leaders Coalition. In 2023, the coalition will be focusing on capacity building for the implementation of such commitments.
Adaptation partnerships: We are part of the SBTN Council, the TNFD Forum, and The WEF Adaptation community of purpose. We are aiming to follow the developments of their frameworks and amplify these efforts.
Just Transition and Adaptation Think Lab Brief: A Business Brief on Just Transition and Adaptation, written in collaboration with the Stockholm Environment Institute, was released at COP27 in the framework of our Think Lab on Just Transition.