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The 9th meeting of the Research Dialogue will take place in parallel to SBSTA 46, in May 2017, in Bonn (Germany).

The secretariat is organizing the ninth meeting of the Research Dialogue during SBSTA 46 (May 2017). The Research Dialogue is a forum for research programmes and organizations to support the work of the Convention and its Paris Agreement through presenting up-to-date information on climate change-related research to Parties and discussing needs in regards to research and research-related capacity-building with Parties.


Parties recognize the importance of addressing regional climate research and data needs, which the ninth meeting of the research dialogue will include a focus on. Research programmes and organizations are invited to present on the activities that they are carrying out at regional level, including workshops, and also identify current gaps.


Interested programmes and organizations are invited to contact the secretariat and could be asked to present a poster and/or a short discussion piece of their work.



