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Organized in collaboration with the United Nations Environment Programme and the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development, the side-event on the Lima Adaptation Knowledge Initiative will be held on 13 May 2017.
Description of the side-event:

Knowledge gaps have been repeatedly identified as a barrier to widespread and successful adaptation actions. The persistence and recurrent mention of such gaps, in spite of the growing body of literature on adaptation, suggests the need for a better alignment of the supply of and demand for adaptation knowledge, and for collaborative efforts to respond to adaptation knowledge gaps. The Lima Adaptation Knowledge Initiative (LAKI) aims to address knowledge barriers that impede the implementation and scaling up of adaptation action in the context of various subregions and areas of vulnerabilities.  The LAKI is a collaborative pilot between the secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). In each subregion, a subregional coordination entity plays a unique role in supervising the implementation of the LAKI.
This side event contributes to the effort of catalyzing action to close priority knowledge gaps, through the LAKI. It is organized by the UNFCCC secretariat, UNEP and the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), which is the subregional coordination entity for the Hindu Kush Himalayan subregion. Noting the impending end, and success, of the first phase of the initiative, which has covered five subregions, and the intention for replication of this pilot by UNEP, the objectives of the side event are to:
•    highlight the progress of the LAKI in prioritizing and closing adaptation knowledge gaps in subregions, showcasing the outcomes for the Hindu Kush Himalayas, in collaboration with ICIMOD;

•    offer the opportunity to open a dialogue on the modalities, challenges and opportunities to close adaptation knowledge gaps in different regions of the world;

•    trigger expressions of interest to close priority knowledge gaps identified through the LAKI for the Hindu Kush Himalayan subregion, and foster interest to collaborate in implementing the LAKI in other subregions. 
The target audience of the event comprises country delegates, representatives of regional centres and networks, academia, research institutions, United Nations agencies, multilateral and bilateral donors, and knowledge brokers. The audience should not be limited to policy-makers, practitioners and other stakeholders working on the Hindu Kush Himalayan subregion.
Agenda of the side event:

Facilitator: Mozaharul Alam, Regional Climate Change Coordinator, Asia and the Pacific Office, UNEP


Panel presentation

a.    Introduction on the LAKI

Youssef Nassef, Director of the Adaptation programme, UNFCCC

The LAKI, an innovative modality to scale up adaptation

Mozaharul Alam, Regional Climate Change Coordinator, Asia and the Pacific Office, UNEP

The LAKI, a joint UNFCCC-UNEP initiative


Dhrupad Choudhury,

Regional Programme Manager, Adaptation to Change & Senior Livelihood and Adaptation Specialist, ICIMOD

Overview of the outcomes of the LAKI for the Hindu Kush Himalayan subregion


b.    Opening of the discussion on modalities, challenges and opportunities to close knowledge gaps

Ram Prasad Lamsal, Joint-Secretary, Climate Change Management  Division, Ministry of Population & Environment, Government of Nepal  

The adaptation knowledge user’s perspective: sharing of experience on the knowledge support modalities, tools and/or material that would be most useful to support adaptation on the ground


Neera Shresta Pradhan, Water and Adaptation Specialist, ICIMOD

The knowledge provider’s perspective: sharing of experience on opportunities and challenges in responding to knowledge needs of policy-makers, practitioners or other relevant stakeholders (e.g. local communities)


Edith Ofwona, Senior Program Specialist, International Development Research Centre

The support organization’s perspective: sharing of experience on opportunities and challenges  from an organization providing support to close adaptation knowledge gaps in countries

Akio Takemoto, Director, Climate Change Adaptation Office, Ministry of the Environment, Japan 

The governement's perspective: sharing of experience on opportunities and challenges  from a government providing support to close adaptation knowledge gaps in countries                                                                                                                   


Facilitated dialogue with all participants

The facilitated dialogue will focus on modalities, opportunities and challenges in closing priority knowledge gaps, in all world regions. More specifically, it will address the processes through which such adaptation knowledge gaps for policy-makers, practitioners and/or other relevant stakeholders could be addressed in a way that is conducive to enhanced action on adaptation.

The facilitated dialogue will help identify next steps in facilitating the closing of priority knowledge gaps for the Hindu Kush Himalayan subregion, and other subregions where the LAKI was implemented or will be implemented.


Collection of expressions of interest

Participants will be invited to submit expressions of interest regarding:

a.    closing the priority knowledge gaps identified for the Hindu Kush Himalayan subregion;

b.    learning more about the outsomes of the LAKI in other subregions;

c.    supporting the implementation of the LAKI in new subregions, in collaboration with UNEP.
Practical information:

The side event will be held from 13:15 to 14:45 on Saturday 13 2017, in Room Bonn (181), at the World Conference Centre in Bonn (Germany). The side event will also be webcast on:

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