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Parties, NWP partner organizations and other relevant organizations are invited to contribute their submissions by 20 September 2017.
In response to the invitation of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) at its 44th session, the NWP has opened a call for submissions in the area of adaptation actions and plans that could enhance economic diversification and have mitigation co-benefits.
Parties, NWP partner organizations and other relevant organizations are invited to contribute their submission before 20 September 2017. Parties are welcome to post their submission on the UNFCCC website; NWP partner organizations and other relevant organizations are invited to send their submissions to and The call for submissions is also available on the UNFCCC website.


1. Which elements should be considered in the submission?


The submission could take the form of a concise document highlighting relevant activities carried out in relation to research, analyses, tools, methods, approaches, projects, programmes and/or policies that your country or organization has recently developed, used and/or implemented. It would be very helpful if the submission could provide the following details:


  • Name of the organization or entity
  • Type of organization/entity 
  • Scale of operation
  • Specific sectors addressed
  • City(ies)/Country(ies)/Region(s) of operation (if appropriate)
  • Description of relevant actions/plans or research
  • Description of relevant tools/methods
  • Key outcomes of the actions/plans undertaken
  • Description of lessons learned and good practices identified
  • Description of key challenges identified
  • Planned next steps (as appropriate)

For more information see the attached template.

For each activity and example that you will include in the submission, please provide relevant hyperlinks, including to information sources, pictures, and/or graphics.

Should you need any further information, please, do not hesitate to contact the NWP team, at


2. How will your submission inform the climate negotiations during SBSTA 47? 


The submissions of Parties, NWP partner organizations and other relevant organizations will be considered by the SBSTA in November 2017. 


3. How can you engage on economic diversification under the NWP beyond the submission?


In case your entity or your organization has developed knowledge products in the form of case studies, tools/methods and/or other knowledge resources in the field on adaptation actions and plans that could enhance economic diversification, please do not hesitate to share them via the Adaptation knowledge portal.


If your organization has expertise on adaptation actions and plans that could enhance economic diversification and have mitigation co-benefits, and is not an NWP partner organization yet, you are welcome to join the programme. By having your organization join the NWP you will be informed of all future opportunities for collaboration on economic diversification under the UNFCCC process. Joining the NWP is a very simple and non-binding process that can be performed online.
